DIY Glitter Rose Gold Phone Case


I saw the bejeweled rose gold phone case that Rogers was selling, and I fell in love! But it was $50.00. Uh no thank you. I want a phone case that protects my phone, not something I would feel bad if it cracked. So I bought a clear one for $2.00 on etsy and bought $7 Spray paint. I already had the rose gold glitter.


  1. Spray on 2 layers of rose gold paint
  2. allow it to dry for a full day
  3. using painter’s tape, outline where you would like the glitter to go
  4. use mod podge or a clear sticky coat in the rectangle
  5. Dust on the glitter and allow to dry
  6. Remove the tape and Spray on a clear coat

Voila! Cheap Cheap! But oh so pretty

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